Food security and Livelihoods

The Food Security and Livelihood sector is one of the sectors that Bena Charity for Human Development works on. This sector aims to improve food security and livelihoods for the most vulnerable groups in targeted communities.


  • The activities carried out by the Food Security and Livelihood sector encompass several areas including:
  1. Food farming: This includes providing farmers with seeds and necessary agricultural tools, training them on best agricultural practices, and providing technical support.
  2. Livestock rearing: Support and training are provided to livestock breeders to improve the quality of animals and increase productivity.
  3. Water supply and natural resource management: These areas include providing water for agriculture and grazing, and managing natural resources sustainably to preserve the environment and animals.
  4. Financial and technical support: Financial and technical support is provided to individuals and small groups to support their projects, increase their income, and improve their living standards.


Bena Charity for Human Development works to implement these activities in collaboration with donors and local partners, aiming to achieve sustainability in these activities by encouraging communities to participate effectively and achieve economic and social development in targeted areas.
