Participations And Training Courses For The Cadre Of Bena Charity

Mr. Riyadh Sallam, the executive Manager of Bena Charity for Human Development in phase 2 of Training Of Trainers ” TOT”, specialized in humanitarian Competencies, early

recovery, reconstruction and scrabble about conflicts which go with the current disastrous situation of the country through the training program on Capacity-Building Development for NGOs in Yemen, held in Sana’a at the beginning of Nov 2016.

This project was funded by UNDP and conducted by the Humanitarian Forum in Yemen, targeting 30 associations and foundations from Taiz, Aden, Abyian, Sana’a and Hajjah.

On the other hand, during the conclusion of the first outreach session on statistics and database through “SPSS-20 Program” for six days . Jannat Development Foundation conducted this course and 60 persons from development and humanitarian associations, organizations, institutions and initiatives attended with a participation of Taiz University as Mr. Zaid Alamery, the Guardianships Responsible of Bena Charity, was awarded. It aimed at making the participants gain statistical skills based on scientific fundamentals and roles where random isn’t applicable in the social work.

Regarding the media field, Mr. Omar Abbood, the Deputy of Media Officer of Bena Charity, participated in the photography course, conducted by Jannat Development Foundation for 36 trainees from the Civilian Society Organizations’ cadre
