The Community Entity Examination and Selection Committee held a meeting this morning as part of the Cash Transfer Project for Groups, which aims to strengthen the capacity of community entities to lead local humanitarian efforts.
The project is funded by SIDA and implemented by Oxfam in partnership with Bena Charity for Humanitarian Development.
The meeting aimed to select five groups as the first phase of the project. The examination committee consisted of Mr. Hamid Al-Khulidi, Director of Maqbanah District; Mr. Ali Qaed, Director of the Executive Unit; Ms. Afnan Waleed, Specialist in International Cooperation Management; Ms. Ahoud Al-Shumairi from the Women’s Department in the Local Council of Maqbanah District; Mr. Riyadh Salam, Programs Manager at Bena Charity; Mr. Wasim Al-Khulidi, Project Officer at Oxfam; and Dr. Faisal Al-Sabri, Project Officer at Bena Charity.
During the meeting, an update was provided on the progress of project activities, and the committee’s tasks were outlined to ensure the selection of community entities capable of effectively and efficiently supporting local humanitarian efforts.