Bena Charity Hands Over 3 Water and Sanitation Projects in Taiz.

Bena Charity today handed over three important water and sanitation projects to the local water and sanitation authority. The projects include:

– Al-Qammat and Al-Askari Water Network: The network has been rehabilitated to provide safe drinking water to residents of the two areas. The project involved 390 household connections and 465 meters of new pipeline.

– Al-Jahmaliyah Sewerage Network: The damaged network has been replaced with a new 124-meter sewer line, including 5 manholes, 9 inspection chambers, and connection to the main line.

– Al-Rawda Water Network: The network has been rehabilitated to provide water to residents of the area. The project involved 130 household connections and 230 meters of new pipeline.

The projects also included the installation of a number of valves and air vents.

These projects are part of the “Provision of Comprehensive Emergency and Life-saving WASH Assistance to Vulnerable IDPs and Host Communities in Salh and Al Qahirah Districts – Taiz” project, implemented by BCFHD with funding from Yemen Humanitarian Fund.

The handover ceremony was attended by:
Eng. Arif Alyousifi: Director of Salalah Directorate
Eng. Sadek Al-Tabai: Project Manager of the Local Water and Sanitation Authority
Dr. Abdul Karim Shamsan: Chairman of BCFHD
Mr. Abdul Latif Al-Bawashari: Advisor to the Director of Cairo Directorate
Mr. Mohammed Amer: Director of the Executive Unit in Cairo Directorate
Mr. Ahmed Ghaleb: Director of the Executive Unit in Salalah Directorate

These projects are of great importance to the residents of Salalah and Cairo Directorates, as they will contribute to:
– Improving access to safe water for residents
– Effectively treating wastewater
– Reducing the spread of waterborne diseases
– Improving the overall health environment

Dr. AbdullKarim Shamsan, Chairman of BCFHD, stressed the importance of cooperation between humanitarian organizations and local institutions to implement projects that meet the needs of affected communities. He praised the support of Yemen Humanitarian Fund, which contributed to the completion of these important projects.

For his part, Eng. Sadek Al-Tubai, Project Manager of the Local Water and Sanitation Authority, praised the efforts of BCFHD in implementing these projects, reaffirming the authority’s commitment to maintaining these projects and ensuring their continued service to the population.

These projects come within the framework of efforts to alleviate the suffering of the population affected by the conflict in Yemen, and to improve their living and health conditions.

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