BCFHD implements a workshop for the Child Protection Needs Assessment Team in 13 districts of Taiz

BCFHD implemented this morning a training workshop for the “Child Protection Needs Assessment Team and Update Service Providers Maps”, within the project “Conducting a rapid needs assessment and updating service providers maps to identify child protection needs and gaps in Taiz Governorate”, funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The Norwegian Foreign Ministry (NMFA) and Save the Children.

Dr. Abdul Karim Shamsan, the head of the Charity, explained that the project aims to access an updated database of the needs and risks of children in the IDP sites.

He added: The needs assessment project will include 13 districts in Taiz Governorate (Cairo, Al-Muzaffar, Salh, Jabal Habashi, Al-Misrakh, Al-Ma’afer, Al-Shamayatain, Maqbanah, Saber Al-Mawadim, Al-Mokha, Mawza’, Al-Waz’iya and Dhu Bab), stressing the importance and necessity of this assessment in providing Recent data and information that lead to developing plans to respond to the child protection needs of the relevant organizations

The training centered on the survey form and input via “Cobo”, methods of collecting information, and analyzing data, in the hall of Al-Jand University, with the participation of 31 trainee.
