BCFHD concludes the distribution of cash assistance and agricultural seeds to 4,000 HHs in Al-Mawasit District, Taiz

BCFHD concluded the activities of distributing unconditional cash assistance and distributing vegetable seeds within the project “Emergency Livelihood Assistance to Address the Negative Impact of Rising Food Prices in Yeme – Al-Mawasit District – Taiz , Funded by the joint fund of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in  partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dr. Faisal Al Sabri – project coordinator declared that 4000 HH s were benefeted from the unconditional cash assistance seven subdistrict  (Al-Akhmur – Al-Ayfua – Al-Aloum – Bani Hammad – Bani Abbas – Bani Yusuf – Quds) of the Al-Mawasit Directorate.

He added: The project also distributed a vegetable seeds kits  to each of the agricultural HHs targeted by the project

He pointed out that during the coming period, the extension staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and Welfare affairs will provide  training awareness to the targeted beneficiaries about good agricultural practices.
