26 years ago.. a journey full of giving, bena and sustainable development The General Assembly of ” BCFHD Charity” holds its seventh session, and amendments are made to its administrative and supervisory bodies

The General Assembly, the highest authority in Bena Charity for Human Development BCFHD, concluded this evening the work of its seventh “extraordinary” session in the Al-Rowad University hall, in the presence of more than two-thirds of the members of the general assembly and the participation of Mr. Abdo Ali, Director of the Office of Social Affairs and Labor in Taiz Governorate.

The session opened its work with verses from the Holy Quran, followed by a speech by the President of the Society, Dr. Abdul Karim Shamsan, in which he welcomed the attendees, each in his own name and capacity, praising the role of the General Assembly, the Administrative Board and the Oversight Committee in serving the Society’s goals and achieving its strategy in building the present and charting the future.

Shamsan also presented his general report, outlining the most important achievements of the association during the past period, and touched on the most important projects and the expansion of their implementation in a number of Yemeni governorates, explaining partnerships with many international donor organizations working in the humanitarian field.

The financial and administrative report and the chartered accountant’s report were also reviewed, in addition to the report of the Oversight Committee, which was followed by an extensive discussion that included clarifications and objections that do not go outside the purposeful scope of the meeting and added more vitality and transparency to the meeting, followed by voting on the financial and administrative report and their approval.

After that, the Director of the Social Affairs and Labor Office announced the opening of candidacy for the election of a new administrative body and a supervisory committee after the previous committee and committee submitted their resignations.

In a positive atmosphere, the door for candidacy was opened for the administrative board and the supervisory committee, and then voting was done by secret ballot using the fund mechanism, which resulted in the renewal of confidence for some personalities and changes as follows:

Dr. Abdul Karim Shamsan – President of the Association

Sheikh Najeeb Abdel Raouf – Vice President

Mr. Tawfiq Abdel-Khabir – Secretary General

Mr. Shaif Hammoud – Financial Officer

The remaining members of the administrative board were elected, headed by Mr. Muhammad Ali Ismail, in addition to:

– Professor Abdul Majeed Muhammad Ghalib

– Professor Amin Ahmed Mikred

Professor Salim Abdel Rahman

Professor Khaled Abdo Omar

– Ms. Faida Sharaf

Ms. Tahani Mohamed Said

The oversight committee was also announced, and they are as follows:

Mr. Arif Abdo Seif

Professor Mansour Mohamed Ahmed

Professor Sultan Shaif

Professor Abdelkader Ahmed Mohamed

Professor Soldier Muhammad Abdullah

The meeting concluded with the first session of the administrative body, where the tasks and competencies were defined, and the date of the next meeting was set.

It is a building.. a name with rain falling on the parched earth.. it draws landmarks, sows the seeds of light.. and lays the foundations of renaissance.. it opens the windows of knowledge and makes of its sparkling suits medals of pride.

For nearly (26) years, construction has been moving steadily towards achieving its goals for human development and the renaissance of the nation, and a panorama of success paths, with a tight consensus of great impac
