The United Nations delegation visits the sites of the displaced, which are supervised by the “BCFHD ” in the Salh district of Taiz

Within the field visits in Taiz carried out by the delegation of United Nations organizations headed by the Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations in Yemen, Mr. Diego Zorrilla, the United Nations delegation visited the sites of displaced persons managed and implemented by the (BCFHD), with the participation of representatives of “OCHA, the World Food Program and UNICEF” Development Programs, FAO and International Migration” and representatives of the local authority in Taiz.

On the visit, which was accompanied by Dr. Abdul Karim Shamsan, President of the association, Dr. Marwan Moqbel and the rest of the association’s team in charge of the project of sheltering and managing IDP sites in Salh district, to inform them about the nature of the projects implemented for IDPs in the district, where the international team interviewed some of the beneficiaries and those responsible for managing the sites. The impact of the project activities implemented by the association in the sites, and their impression of the assistance provided to them.

For its part, the delegation praised the efforts made by the BCFHD)، Association in managing the sites of the displaced in the Sala district, and expressed their satisfaction with the implementation of the projects through the interviews conducted with the beneficiaries and the relevant authorities, which praised the role of the Bena Association in achieving tangible results by providing humanitarian assistance to vulnerable groups of displaced persons. And the host community in the district.

In the same context, the Deputy Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs Diego Zorrilla considered that the visit of the delegation representing all United Nations organizations for the first time to the city of Taiz confirms their interest in this governorate, and their efforts to alleviate the suffering of it through the efforts it makes on the humanitarian side
