BCFHD distributes hygiene kits to the displaced in the districts of Mawza and Al-Shamaytayn

Within the activities of the Emergency Response Project for Displaced HHs Affected by Conflict which funded by (ECHO) and IRC, BCFHD distributed HKs to the IDPs in the districts of Mawza’ and Ash-Shamayatayn in Taiz Governorate,

Sanad Ali, the project manager, said that this activity comes as an emergency response to the newly IDPs who displaced from the conflict areas to the districts of Mawza and Ash-Shamayatayn.

He added that this activity is implemented in coordination with the Executive Unit for IDP Camps Management through which 220 displaced HHs were benefited.

For his part, the beneficiaries of the project expressed their gratitude to the funding and implementing agencies, and also appealed to all organizations to intervene urgently, as they lack the most basic necessities of life.
