BCFHD launches FFS training in Al-Shamayatayn District

Funded by FAO, BCFHD launched the activity of FFS training for fattening animals and producing dairy products within the project of “Supporting the resilience of vulnerable HHs in the field of agricultural livelihoods and food security” in Al-Shamayatayn District, Taiz Governorate.

Dr. Faisal Al-Sabri, the project manager, explained that the training targets 175 male and female trainees in 7 FFS. He added that there will be 12 training sessions for 3 months in experimental and traditional FFS, so that the sharing of experiences will take place among the trainees to reach the improvement of fattening animals and increasing the production of dairy products.

He continued, targeted FFS in dairy products are trained in how to manufacture different types of diary productions, while fattening FFS is directed at how to fatten small and large animals.

He pointed out that this training will be followed by another FFS training for 3 schools for tomato production targeting 75 male and female trainees, and 3 other training programs were implemented for cereal production benefited 75 male and female trainees.

It is worth mentioning that the training activity for all FFS was preceded by the distribution of materials and equipment for each FFS for all 325 male and female trainees
