The women’s sector in (BCFHD) carries out various activities in the International Day for Women

An expanded meeting for women on the occasion of International Women’s Day (8th of March) has been organized today in Bena Charity for Human Development BCFHD. The meeting has been attended by a number of high social status women and social active women in Taiz.
Mrs. Tahani A Al-Ezzi- responsible for the women sector in the Charity- opened the meeting with greetings and congratulating Women in Yemen and all around the world on the occasion of the women International Day.
She said that this event is organized as an acknowledgement, recognition and gratitude for women in Yemen who actively carried out different responsibilities including growing up children, worked hard in different fields to share men their families responsibilities and who play important roles side by side with men develop their society, and country.
She expressed her warm regards, appreciation and respect to every woman who consciously participated in building cultural, educational and social aspects of life beside her main role of growing up healthy, qualified and prosperous generations that are able to face future difficulties and challenges.
She also, called for strengthening woman’s role and protecting her, by empowering her and providing her with all capacities and skills that help her perform her roles in life including establishing a family and providing generations with knowledge and responsibility.
Finally, she talked about the different challenges that face women in Yemen where they still fight for their basic rights specially during this difficult situation caused by civil conflict, Confirming that much effort, whether from the government or civil society organizations is needed to help women face and overcome such difficulties.
During the meeting, women participants have discussed and shared ideas about some tops concerning women including; women’s rights and duties in society as a mother, and sister and the different opportunities and threats that encounter Arab women in general and Yemeni women in particular. The meeting come out with group of important recommendations.
