BCFHD distributes the first cash installment to the fishermen’s HHs in in Mocha .

Funded by YHF and within the project of “Improving Access To Education In Al-Wazi’ah District And The Livelihoods Of Fishermen’s HHs In Mocha District “, BCFHD launched the first round of cash assistance distribution.
Riyad Salam, the project manager, explained that the disbursement of cash assistance is the first stage of the project that aims to empower fishermen and improve their livelihoods by supporting them with fishing tools that will take place in the second stage.
He added: The project targets (500) fishermen’s HHs who were chosen according to the criteria of the FSAC in coordination with the local authority and the committees representing the beneficiaries in in Mocha district.
He pointed out that the project mechanism includes cash transfers for three monthly sessions. And he stressed that the project was implemented with the participation of women in the community committee, registration team, verification team and distribution team.
