BCFHD implements the First Meeting with the Community Committees

Within the project of supporting the most vulnerable IDPs with life-saving rental assistance and NFIs, and SMC in hosting sites in Al-Mudhaffar, Salh and Al-Qahirah Districts, which is funded by YHF, BCFHD implemented the First Meeting with the Community Committees.

Within the meeting, Mr. Mutahar Alshamiri, the project manager, Introduce the members of the community committees to the project, its goal, activities, outcomes, duration, type of assistance and the targeted areas. He raised the awareness of the members about the humanitarian principles, including transparency, partiality, accountability, etc. he also familiarized them with the criteria of beneficiaries selection and complaint mechanism.

The manager ended his presentation by thanking the audience for their attendance and their cooperation to succeed the project. He also answered their inquiries.
