Ms. Fahmiah Khaled Hasan Saleh

Fahmiyah Khaled Hasan Saleh “Chemistry Teacher”
A Successful Story
The beginning details of this story, perhaps, seems to look like information, whereas her ambitions are more than an ocean may embrace.

Fahmiyah, who perched on top of excellence in the Chemistry department of Taiz University in all levels, has confessed that she would continuer her successful and superior progress as she won’t stop at getting the Master and PH.D grades, her high ambition is to

get the Professor degree deservedly. She has cleared that she chose the chemistry class as it always depends on the skill side (experiment) that she loves mostly.

Fahmiyah added ” I am the first student among the other females ones of the area who has joined the university and I wanted to be turning point for the area in which most of them didn’t finish their university studies”. She confessed that without Allah reconciling through making her join the Excellence Center, she would stop her studying record at the university and her education level would be less than it is now and she wouldn’t be able even to have a place at the university to study.
This is to say that the Excellence Center has her thanks after Allah for its assistance to achieve her dream. She assured that the Excellence Center provide her with proper and comfortable accommodation and good atmosphere for studying as the center provided its students with all facilities, moral and educational support and conducted several scientific and qualifying trainings and activities. The center provide a computer lab and a library which have helped students to prepare their researches and get their knowledge extended. She talked about the amazing services and activities of the center as at the beginning she thought that this Center just was to live in, nothing more. She found:
•The moral and educational support for students in perfect ways;
•Allowing students to think and express about what they have inside freely;
•Developing the abilities and skills of students;
Fahmiyah has illustrated about the secret of her excellence by saying that there are substrates and causes for the excellence and the important ones are:
•Being Close to Allah, and seeking for knowledge because of the knowledge, not because of only getting a certificate, besides using the reasons;
•Paying Zakat for knowledge seekers through cooperating and helping them.
Sense of sadness and regrets started currently touching Fahmiyah’s heart due to her being afraid of not being able of completing her high advanced studies. She still has determination and insistence to fight all challenges, though. She is sure that the conditions turned to her sake during the previous studies, would happen again as she has a feeling of interference from the good pioneers, who were thanked for their support for the Excellence Center, which may continue by their care ,giving, encourage and support for each superior through his/her high studies
Fahmiyah has addressed a appreciating, thanking and grateful message to the Excellence Center Administration and Bena Charity, saying;

….Bena ride flies in the sky

….you though, good thinking
….you built, good building
….you ennobled, congratulations to you
….you lighten our way, May Allah lighten your lives
….be optimistic as we will be parts of yours
….continue the journey, May you get Allah’s satisfaction
….thanks to you, May Allah bless you in behalf of us best blessings
Fahmiyah addressed another thanking and grateful message to traders, saying;
Allocating a part of your money for a knowledge seeker is an essential factor to rise and develop home and the Islamic nation which is firstly considered the winning of the high grades in Paradise.

Fahmiyah has sent her wish to the responsible of associations, institutions of Taiz, Yemen’s, Arabian and Islamic regions as well, to continue their building-up home, putting-up the glory of Islamic nation through supporting knowledge seekers and the superiors and rising-up the country by youth and their abilities.

She concluded her successful story with wonderful saying;
•The secret of satisfaction is to pay attention to what you have and turn a blind eye for what is missed
•The secret of ambition is to search for what is missed with thanking God for what you have.
