On Monday 27 March 2017, the Yemeni Teachers’ Union held a ceremony honoring the ideal teacher, Adnan Hazam as the best teacher in the Republic of Yemen.
The ceremony was held under the auspices of Bena Charity for Human Development as the major sponsor in cooperation with Taiz University, Alhikma University and other development foundations. The ceremony was held in the presence of the Chairman of Taiz Teachers’ Union, Mr. Abdulaziz Sultan, Dr. Abdu Mohammed Alkalibi, the Manager of the Academic Excellence Center of Bena Charity and Mr. Sulaiman AlSamadi, the Projects Officer in Bena Charity, and many representatives of government agencies and community leaders. The ceremony began with some verses from the Holy Quran and then a speech was made by Mr. Abdulaziz Sultan, the Chairman of Taiz Teachers’ Union, who said that the ceremony was organized by the Teachers’ Union to honor the distinguished teacher Adnan Hezam as the best teacher in the Republic of Yemen, praising his distinguished educational researches. Mr. Abdulaziz also thanked Bana Charity for sponsoring the event, supporting the educational field and showing interest in the outstanding students and teachers. Dr. Abdu Mohammed Alkalibi, the Manager of Academic Excellence Center of Bena Charity said in his speech that the participation of Bena Charity in sponsoring the ceremony comes in the framework of encouraging and supporting the distinguished in the educational sector, which is the most important sector in our society. Dr. Alkalibi added that honoring and supporting the ideal teacher is because he does not consider teaching as a mere profession, but as a sacred message and seeks to perform it with professionalism, sincerity and love. Dr. AlKalibi also announced that the Academic Excellence Center will ensure the provision of shelter, nutrition and all the needs of the ideal teacher, Adnan for seven months while he is completing his research in the field of education. It is worth mentioning that the ideal teacher Adnan Hazam was chosen as the best teacher in the Republic of Yemen during the academic year 2016-2017 due to his useful educational researches. He presented 15 projects, one of which succeeded in addressing the physics complex of students in several schools through the program (Strategic Skills of Physics) . The result was that the success rate of the target students increased from 17.2% before the treatment to 91.6% after treatment.