“Bena Charity”,Offering Finance Grants For Female Students

Under a motto “Continue” Bena Charity for Human Development in Taiz , offers 128 finance grants for female students of the university, believing in the essential of studying continuity and helping

the students in such hard conditions of finishing the university studying.
Mr. Riyadh Sallam, Deputy Manager of Bena Charity, cleared that such grants, had been allocated for students who moved from Taiz Universities to other provinces due to the war, as this grant will be for the second term of 2016, and for three months.
He said “there were a lot of female students in Taiz forced by the war conditions to move to other provinces to continue studying, which is a positive matter and they are thanked for; however, such movement requires a lot of expenses a family can’t take on. As a result, the idea of conducting such a project has come up to contribute even with something that may help our students to face such studying expenses outside Taiz and cover it, hoping that such an initiative would be the first giving of extended and bigger projects including all students “females and males” in the different provinces which were affected by the war. Mr. Sallam added “ there is a committee receive female students through electronic email, which was created for this purpose till 22nd of Apr 2016, as the committee will check the applications and the files attached in order to choose 128 students based on defined terms and standards. The accepted applicants will be announced at the end of Apr through the website of Bena Charity. Mr. Sallam has called on all the students who meet the conditions to apply as much as possible before 22nd of Apr 2016.
Mr. Sallam has appraised on the donors for the project, looking after a very important category of the society “ the university students”, during very hard conditions that the country face, calling on the official authorities and the civilian community organizations to collaborate and be active positively with the needs of the university students.
To download the application of the finance grants and more details, we are honored to be visited through the website of Bena Charity
www.benaye.org https://bcfhd.org/en/

Download the application of the finance grants(PDF) https://bcfhd.org/fgds/submit.pdf

Download the application of the finance grants(WORD)
